

  • Calyx Color: White
  • Caliber Cal.12
  • Gunpowder SP8
  • Other Details Speed: 434m/s
  • FPS: 1425

New cartridge from the Nobel Sport company
The 6+1 is essentially a hybrid single shot for medium distances, i.e. those we are looking for between 12/0 drams and regular single shots. So theoretically we have expectations of 30-50 meters. At 30 meters we expect the peripheral pellets to forgive us a mistake from a radius of 15-25 cm and give us the animal even if the central bullet did not hit a vital point. On the other hand, we want the bullet to give us sufficient accuracy up to at least 50 meters, and a speed that at this distance is considered satisfactory again for the payment of the animal. At this distance, the peripheral pellets do not interest us that much, a concentration of them around the central pellet, which will put as many as possible on the animal, is simply positive. So bullet accuracy test at 50 meters, and pellet total distribution test at 30 meters.